
Young minds join corporate career, filled with energy, enthusiasm and motivation. They put their heart and soul into work. Slowly with time, they move up the ladder and get to the next level and keep going. After spending time at this level, they move to leadership level. The book views corporate career as a ladder and breaks down the journey into three ladder steps ‚Äì apprentice, master craftsman and leadership phase. Apprentice phase is at the start of one‚Äôs career when one is fresh into corporate life. He is eager to learn new skills and looks at getting better at it. The next phase is the master craftsman phase, where he is known for certain skills and competencies and is now ready to lead teams and deliver company projects and initiatives. The third phase is the leadership phase where the person is entrusted with bigger responsibilities such as giving direction and executing the company’s vision while leading and mentoring people. During this journey there are many professional and personal events that shape the direction of one‚Äôs career. Some events are so powerful that it propels career into the next orbit and sometimes they are so forceful that they push it back. Taking examples and inspiration from real life and people, the book builds a framework around professional quotient (PQ), which is nothing but the skill, competencies, attitude and outlook required to navigate in each of these phases. The PQ composition is different at each stage and the book through examples showcases the PQ required at each level, how to develop the PQ for each phase, how to measure and monitor them for success. The book is a guiding compass for corporate professionals or people aspiring to make a corporate career and aims to provide direction and purpose so that they can have an engaging, fulfilling and rewarding corporate life.

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Young minds join corporate career, filled with energy, enthusiasm and motivation. They put their heart and soul into work. Slowly with time, they move up the ladder and get to the next level and keep going. After spending time at this level, they move to leadership level. The book views corporate career as a ladder…