
Since ancient times, the practice of Yoga has brought vast mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health benefi ts. Today, it is often reduced to being only a means of physical exercise, thereby losing the treasure of its comprehensive original forms – the Ashtanga, Hatha, Raja, Karma, Bhakti, and Jnana Yoga which aim to bring holistic well-being. This book presents a thorough research of the ancient Indian scriptures and texts covering all aspects of Yoga in English, along with original Sanskrit references for each. It is as relevant and useful for a beginner as for an advanced practitioner or teacher of Yoga. ‚ÄúDrawing on a wide array of Sanskrit sources, the work carefully seeks to determine the textual foundations of contemporary yogic practice. The book‚Äôs strength lies in its great wealth of citations from classic texts in the fi eld.‚Äù – Professor Lawrence J. McCrea, Former Preceptor, Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies, Harvard University, USA. ‚ÄúThis will be a valuable trove of information for practitioners of yoga around the world.‚Äù – Dr. Karan Singh, Scholar, Philanthropist and Former Member of Parliament, India. ‚ÄúThis book……covers all rungs of classical Ashtanga yoga from yamas, niyamas to samadhi as well as the 4 paths of yoga, the mind, kundalini, siddhis, kaivalya and ayurveda. It is a helpful and authoritative reference book for all serious yoga students, teachers, and advanced practitioners.‚Äù – Swami Sitaramananda, International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers. ‚ÄúThis book is of eternal value. Till the time Yoga is treasured, this book will remain in need.‚Äù – Dr. Kiran Bedi, Indian Police Service (Retd)

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Since ancient times, the practice of Yoga has brought vast mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health benefi ts. Today, it is often reduced to being only a means of physical exercise, thereby losing the treasure of its comprehensive original forms – the Ashtanga, Hatha, Raja, Karma, Bhakti, and Jnana Yoga which aim to bring holistic…