- -10%राजेश श्रीवास्तव ने आईआईटी कानपुर और आईआईएम बैंगलोर से स्नातक किया है। उनके पास कॉर्पोरेट और शैक्षणिक क्षेत्र में साढ़े तीन दशक से ज़्यादा का अनुभव है। यूनाइटेड स्पिरिट्स (अब डियाजियो इंडिया) में, उन्होंने भारत के कुछ सबसे मशहूर, प्रिय और स्थायी एल्कोहल ब्रांड बनाने में अहम भूमिका निभाई, जिनमें मैकडॉवल सिग्नेचर, रॉयल चैलेंज, बैगपाइपर और ब्लू रिबैंड डुएट शामिल हैं। वे जेके हेलेन कर्टिस के अध्यक्ष बने, जहाँ उन्होंने पार्क एवेन्यू डिओडरंट को 'परफ्यूम' के रूप में फिर से लॉन्च करके कंपनी और डिओडरंट श्रेणी को फिर से सक्रिय किया। आज, 'परफ्यूम' डिओडरंट श्रेणी के लिए एक सामान्य लाभ बन गया है। 2008 से, उन्होंने अपना ध्यान शिक्षण और कॉर्पोरेट कार्यशालाओं के संचालन पर केंद्रित किया है। एक शिक्षक के रूप में, उन्होंने आईआईएम इंदौर और एसपी जैन स्कूल ऑफ़ ग्लोबल मैनेजमेंट में पढ़ाया है। एक कॉर्पोरेट प्रशिक्षक के रूप में, उन्होंने सीमेंस इंडिया, मर्सिडीज़-बेंज रिसर्च सेंटर और रिलायंस इंडस्ट्रीज जैसी प्रतिष्ठित कंपनियों के साथ काम किया है। अपने पूरे करियर के दौरान, उनके कॉलम और लेख आउटलुक, टेलीग्राफ, मिड-डे, बिज़नस स्टैंडर्ड और मिंट सहित विभिन्न प्रकाशनों में प्रकाशित हुए हैं। पेंगुइन रैंडम हाउस ने उनकी पहली पुस्तक, द न्यू रूल्स ऑफ बिज़नस प्रकाशित की, जो जल्द ही राष्ट्रीय बेस्टसेलर बन गई। यह उनकी दूसरी पुस्तक है।
The 10 new life-changing skills: Apnaiye aur Jeevan main aage Badhiye
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -16%Truth, my son, is like a beautiful diamond. It is one; yet it has thousands upon thousands of facets, colours, aspects, reflections. Every person who honestly seeks the truth will have something important to say to you, but remember that no one will ever possess it entirely.' DIRK COLLIER (b. 1956 in Antwerp, Belgium) owns a personal library of several thousand books in nine different languages, on history, philosophy, art and religion. His passion for Asian culture and history has been aroused as a result of his frequent travels throughout the continent, predominantly China and India. Professionally, he is a lawyer and a businessman and serves on the board of several companies and organizations. He has published several books and articles on philosophy, law and history, including The Great Mughals and Their India (Delhi, 2016), a non-fiction history of the Mughal Dynasty. Akbar's Farewell is the second, completely revised edition of The Emperor's Writings (2011), a historical novel on the life and times of Akbar the Great.
Akbar’s Farewell: Letters from a Father
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -16%YAAKOV KATZ is editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post and a lecturer at Harvard University’s Extension School. Originally from Chicago, he lives in Jerusalem. AMIR BOHBOT is the military editor and senior defense analyst for Walla, Israel’s leading news website. Bohbot previously covered military affairs for Maariv. He lives in Lehavim.
The Weapon Wizards
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -10%A former flight attendant with a learning disability, Tobias Beck has become one of Europe’s most-loved speakers. His Bewohnerfrei® (“Liberated”) podcast reaches an audience of millions online, hitting # 1 on the iTunes download charts upon its release. As a university lecturer, he explains, in a humorous fashion, how the principles of success and motivational psychology can work for others too. hosts seminars and personal consultations.
Unbox your life
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -10%One of the pioneers of the personal development industry, Les Giblin was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. After serving in the military, Giblin began a sales job with the Sheaffer Pen Company. His successful career in door-to-door sales allowed him to become an ardent observer of human nature and eventually earned him two titles as national Salesman of the Year. Talking lessons from his sales career, Giblin penned his classic Skill With People in 1968 and began conducting thousands of seminars for companies and associations including Mobil, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson, Caterpillar, etc. Les Giblin's books Skill With People has sold over two million copies and translated into over 20 languages across the world.
How to be People Smart
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -16%Dr Robert Waldinger is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Director of the Center for Psychodynamic Therapy and Research at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development. He is also a Zen Priest.
The Good life: Ek Behtarin Zindagi kaise jiye
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -12%रूमी का स्थान सूफ़ीवाद की दुनिया में इतना ऊँचा है कि इससे जुड़ी कोई भी किताब रूमी के ज़िक्र के बिना नहीं होगी। रूमी को इस दुनिया में आए आठ सौ साल बीत चुके हैं। बदलाव का सिलसिला जारी है लेकिन इस बीच रूमी का चिराग़ न सिर्फ जलता रहा बल्कि दुनिया के कोने-कोने को रौशन करता रहा। भारत की धरती ने रूमी को जिस आदर और श्रद्धा से अपनाया, उसकी मिसाल हमें कहीं और नहीं मिलती। हक़ीकत यह है कि आज रूमी का असर एशिया से बाहर यूरोप और अमेरिका में दिख रहा है और किसी भी दूसरे शायर से अधिक लोग रूमी के कलाम को पढ़ना पसन्द कर रहे हैं। रूमी की दुनिया इतनी रंग- बिरंगी और दिलकश है कि जो इसमें आया, यहीं का होकर रह गया।
Rumi: Rooh-e-Kainat
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -16%रे डेलियो अपने समय के महान निवेशकों तथा उद्यमियों में से एक हैं। 1975 में उन्होंने अपने दो बेडरूम के अपार्टमेंट में ब्रिजवाटर असोसिएट्स की स्थापना की थी और (फ़ॉर्च्यून के मुताबिक़) चालीस वर्षों बाद इसे विश्व के विशालतम हेज फंड तथा अमेरिका में पाँचवीं सर्वाधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण कंपनी के रूप में खड़ा कर दिया। डेलियो का नाम टाइम की दुनिया के 100 सर्वाधिक प्रभावशाली व्यक्तियों की सूची के साथ ही फ़ोर्ब्स की दुनिया के सबसे अमीर 100 लोगों की सूची में शुमार हुआ है। वे अपने परिवार के साथ कनेक्टिकट में रहते हैं।
Principles: Life and Work
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -10%We make growing up the best story ever! Here at Ladybird, we publish books to inspire curious minds. From first words to fluency, we're here for young readers at every step. As the home of Read it yourself, Ladybird Readers and First Words with Peppa, we guide learners from one story to the next - sparking plenty of smiles along the way.
Im a Doctor: Read It Yourself – Level 1 Early Reader
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -10%We make growing up the best story ever! Here at Ladybird, we publish books to inspire curious minds. From first words to fluency, we're here for young readers at every step. As the home of Read it yourself, Ladybird Readers and First Words with Peppa, we guide learners from one story to the next - sparking plenty of smiles along the way.
Fun Pets: Read It Yourself – Level 1 Early Reader
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -10%We make growing up the best story ever! Here at Ladybird, we publish books to inspire curious minds. From first words to fluency, we're here for young readers at every step. As the home of Read it yourself, Ladybird Readers and First Words with Peppa, we guide learners from one story to the next - sparking plenty of smiles along the way.
Ladybird Class A Home for Bugs: Read It Yourself – Level 2 Developing Reader
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -10%We make growing up the best story ever! Here at Ladybird, we publish books to inspire curious minds. From first words to fluency, we're here for young readers at every step. As the home of Read it yourself, Ladybird Readers and First Words with Peppa, we guide learners from one story to the next - sparking plenty of smiles along the way.
Ladybird Class Lets Make Art: Read It Yourself – Level 2 Developing Reader
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -10%We make growing up the best story ever! Here at Ladybird, we publish books to inspire curious minds. From first words to fluency, we're here for young readers at every step. As the home of Read it yourself, Ladybird Readers and First Words with Peppa, we guide learners from one story to the next - sparking plenty of smiles along the way.
Ladybird Class The Video Game: Read It Yourself – Level 2 Developing Reader
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -10%We make growing up the best story ever! Here at Ladybird, we publish books to inspire curious minds. From first words to fluency, we're here for young readers at every step. As the home of Read it yourself, Ladybird Readers and First Words with Peppa, we guide learners from one story to the next - sparking plenty of smiles along the way.
Ladybird Class Let’s Play Sports: Read It Yourself – Level 1 Early Reader
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -3%Raja Suraj is a Chronicle Writer. He focuses on writing about the real-life, face-to-face experiences of people living in the modern era, taking into account the nature, myth, and science of life together. Raja Suraj is originally from Karnataka state's Coorg district, which is known as the "Scotland of India" due to its vast biodiversity. He has a master's degree in business administration (MBA) from Pondicherry University and a PGDP in human resource management and analytics from Amity Academy. His enthusiasm for motion picture production led him to the realms of art and culture, both of which inspired him to create novels utilizing extremely imaginative techniques. Currently employed as an HRMS Implementation Specialist in an esteemed organization: Ascent HR Technologies Private Limited. Raja Suraj is the published author of "A Hope in the Depth of the Ocean," which is one of the linked subjects in the Chronicles of his writings. " Rajpatai Chronicles" is the name of his respective independent literature house for literary works published in the year 2022.
Hidden Secrets of Life:The Hint for the Entire Chronicles- The Polyglot Book
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -2%I am Dr. Kunjam Pooja, and I have been working as a medical officer at Area Hospital Bhadrachalam, Telangana, since 2018 in the nutritional department, serving the malnourished and healing them back to their normal lives. I have a cute little son named Reyansh, who makes my life brighter and filled with laughter. I am a dreamer, filled with so much passion for life. I love serving people in whatever way possible, to the best of my ability. I believe in life's abundance and the opportunities it gives us. I love co-creating to bring out the best version of myself and add more and more memories that fill my heart with love and abundance.
ART OF COMMUNICATION:10 keys to change your life
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January