
Traditional religious/spiritual philosophies have not achieved their acclaimed purpose of widespread individual self-realization, and through the same, world peace and prosperity. This has led to several people getting disillusioned with the prevailing philosophies. Hence, the need for an alternative model for spiritual uplift of people. The emphasis of the book is two-fold – 1. Personal spiritual development – This will be achieved through the contrarian model of Endarkenment, as an alternative to the more popular Enlightenment. 2. Global peace & prosperity – Widespread understanding of oneness of humanity will lead to significant global savings on arms spend. These savings will then be deployed for economic and social uplift of people.

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Traditional religious/spiritual philosophies have not achieved their acclaimed purpose of widespread individual self-realization, and through the same, world peace and prosperity. This has led to several people getting disillusioned with the prevailing philosophies. Hence, the need for an alternative model for spiritual uplift of people. The emphasis of the book is two-fold ‚Äì 1. Personal…