
“Just because you were ordinary there doesn’t mean you have to be anything less than extraordinary here.” That’s the advice orphan Amira DeLante was given when she found herself caught accidentally in an alternate realm. Still unable to swallow her new reality, she found herself beginning to question her past, present, and future. From a geeky childhood to a lonely adulthood, all the 18-year-old teenager knew was to keep her head down and complete her education, come what may. After accidentally transporting herself to the Imperium Realm on the night of a solar eclipse, she was expected to keep the origin of her arrival a secret because it would bring up too many questions to which nobody had answers. Still unable to swallow her new reality, she attempted to blend in with the swarm of elemental students at the Arcadia Academy of Advanced Arts. But, the more she tried to go unnoticed, the more the spotlight continued falling on her. Everything seemed like happiness and sunshine on the outside, but she never expected that buried underneath all that goodwill were rotten secrets which would cause a catastrophe. And when past betrayals come to seek revenge on the injustice done to them, it’s the younger generation who has to pay. She finds herself caught in the deep end of a web of lies she wove, the deception of politics, a royal scheme, unexplainable disasters, and more magic than she could handle. The possibility of true peace seems impossible, but along with new friends and acquaintances, a strong effort to thwart pain could definitely be made. The life she knew, completely upended, Amira DeLante steps into shoes too large for her to bring glory to.

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About Author

“Just because you were ordinary there doesn’t mean you have to be anything less than extraordinary here.” That’s the advice orphan Amira DeLante was given when she found herself caught accidentally in an alternate realm. Still unable to swallow her new reality, she found herself beginning to question her past, present, and future. From a…